Thursday, April 22, 2010


Language is how we communicate with everyone around us. We use it to shares words of love, excitement, and even hope. Some people take advantage of it and use it to bring others down. They do this by using harsh words that usually end up being swear words. I am one that hardly ever cusses, but today the 'a' word kind of slipped out instead of alec. It was so embarrassing! I felt so bad and right after I said it my friend, Erica, said my face was like totally shocked and taken back. She, of course, thought it was the funniest thing in the world because for some reason when I do happen to cuss it always happens around her. She is my bad luck charm, I guess. At least when I do cuss I feel bad about it, but some people say those kinds of words out of habit. They don't even think it's bad, but every single swear word is. They need to realize this because they are the one's that put the bad words in my mind in the first place. I hope they can because when I do cuss I feel so absolutely horrible about it and promise myself to never ever say that word again. I need your guyszes help to do this. What I want you to do is when someone cusses around you just tell them that you don't appreciate it and wish they would use appropriate language around you. I know that if we all do this someday we might not hear so much swearing. Thank you for wanting to help! :)

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